How do I set up my Vilo?

1. Download the Vilo app (type Vilo in Apple Store or Google Play) 

2. Register for an account. You will need access to your email, as it will send a confirmation code to your email, which you will need to complete the registration

3. Once registered, log into the app, tap Add Vilo, and follow the instructions. 

4. When asked to connect to WiFi, iPhone users can scan the QR code on the bottom of the Vilo unit. If you are using an Android device, or are unable to connect using the QR code scanner, select the Manually Connect to Wi-Fi button. The Wi-Fi details are found on the bottom of the unit next to the QR code.

5. Once connected and back in the Vilo app, tap Add Vilo to My Account to associate this Vilo to your account. 

See the below video for details

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